Your Dispensary Sucks:

A Guide to Turning Things Around

Hey there, cannabis dispensary owners! Have you ever wondered why your dispensary isn’t living up to its full potential? Are you struggling to attract customers or keep them coming back for more? Well, you’re not alone. In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the reasons why your dispensary might be falling short and what you can do to turn things around. So, take a seat, grab your stash, and let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Understanding Customer Needs

Do you really know what your customers want? Understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience is crucial for the success of your dispensary. Take the time to gather feedback, conduct surveys, and interact with your customers to gain insights into their desires. Furthermore, you might not have the technical skills to identify the exact reason(s) your business is suffering. This will require you to align yourself with cannabis professionals who have the experience to identify potential challenges and solutions to overcome them. Stop worrying about the cost and start worrying about getting stuck in a rut that has no potential for growth. It’s better to spend a little money to get your dispensary running at its best rather than wasting a bunch of money repeating the same mistakes hoping something will stick or change.

Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere

Is your dispensary a place people want to spend time in? The ambiance of your cannabis dispensary plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Make sure your dispensary is inviting, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing. Consider factors like lighting, music, and decor to create a welcoming atmosphere. Hiring the right staff is also a huge component in customer retention. Whether they are greeting your customers to inspect ID or to provide customer service; it’s crucial that your staff are welcoming and friendly.

Offering High-Quality Products

Is your cannabis dispensary providing top-notch products that consumers demand? Far too often I hear the following statement from dispensary owners: “I curated the menu myself – I know it’s fire.” What the actual numbers say is that your sales suck, your basket size average is $20, and it takes you months to move 12 units or a single case.

Stop with the ego driven approach to sales. If you have 50 products and only 3-4 of them are gaining consumer intertest, that is a clear indicator that you’re out of touch with consumer expectations in your area. Selection is key but also ensuring your highest converting products are always in stock will help your dispensary build a solid consumer base.

While not always possible for independent dispensary owners – you should try to partner with reputable suppliers that are actively engaging budtenders and dispensary owners. Do your research to ensure that your inventory consists of only the finest quality strains, edibles, concentrates, and accessories. This includes gathering consumer feedback and listening to customer complaints.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

How do you treat your customers? Exceptional customer service can set your dispensary apart from the competition. Train your staff to be knowledgeable, friendly, and attentive to customer needs. Encourage open communication and always strive to exceed expectations. Listen to customer recommendations as this could lead to increased and long-term consumer loyalty by ensure they have access to the products that resonate with them.

Embracing Technology

Are you leveraging technology to enhance the customer experience? From modern websites with online ordering systems, in-store point-of-sale software, digital menus, and self-service ordering technology can streamline operations and improve efficiency. Invest in modern solutions that make it easier for customers to shop and interact with your dispensary.

Marketing Strategies That Work

How are you promoting your dispensary? Effective marketing is essential for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Explore a variety of marketing channels, including social media, email campaigns, and local advertising, to reach your target audience effectively.

Building a Strong Online Presence

Is your dispensary easy to find online? In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is critical for business success. Optimize your website for search engines, maintain active social media profiles, and engage with online communities to increase visibility and attract customers. With the emergence of AI technology such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing AI – it’s never been easier to create SEO content for your website that will rank your cannabis dispensary higher in Google search rankings. Establishing a comprehensive SEO strategy is a great way to secure local business and increase visibility in your neighborhood.

Engaging with the Community

Are you involved in your local community? Building strong relationships with your community can foster loyalty and support for your cannabis dispensary. Sponsor local events, participate in charitable initiatives, and engage with local organizations to demonstrate your commitment to giving back.

Training Knowledgeable Staff

Do your budtenders know their stuff? Product knowledge is essential for providing excellent customer service and building trust with your customers. Invest in ongoing training programs to ensure that your staff is well-informed about cannabis products, industry trends, and regulations.

Turnover is exceptionally high for budtenders and brand reps. Ensure your staff is compensated well and stop making your budtenders act as security guards. If you store is experiencing rude or unreasonable customers, you should consider hiring a security guard. Their presence has been documented to reduce escalated consumer interactions and reduces employee stress.

Improving Inventory Management

Is your inventory management up to par? Effective inventory management is crucial for maintaining adequate stock levels and minimizing waste. Implement inventory tracking systems, conduct regular audits, and analyze sales data to optimize your inventory management processes.

This goes back to an earlier point about “Offering High-Quality Products”. When purchasing new products there is very little information to make an informed decision. In certain instances, your dispensary purchases a product that sucks and doesn’t move. It’s not fair but your dispensary needs to take this “L”. You can encourage consumers to purchase the product at a discount while explaining to them the issues you found. This way they can make the decision for themselves. Do not shill or lie about a crappy product that is underperforming in order to correct your mistake.